
Banks with No Active Accounts


Find banks that have no active internal, external bank accounts and bank branch

select a.bank_party_id, a.bank_name, a.bank_number, a.home_country, a.start_date, to_char(a.end_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') from ce_banks_v a where not exists (select iba.bank_id from ce_bank_accounts iba where a.bank_party_id = iba.bank_id and nvl(iba.end_date, sysdate) >= sysdate) and not exists (select eba.bank_id from iby_ext_bank_accounts eba where a.bank_party_id = eba.bank_id and nvl(eba.end_date, sysdate) >= sysdate) and not exists (select bb.bank_party_id from ce_bank_branches_v bb where a.bank_party_id = bb.bank_party_id )